You are the Soul. You are the Light. Remember... the door to the Sanctuary is inside you. -Rumi
Of course, Spirit found a space that met and surpassed all of my needs and expectations in Divine Timing. I moved from Mashpee on the day of The Sanctuary’s 3-year anniversary and made a new home in Barnstable Village. Now as we approach our 9th year, I have been directed it is time for another giant leap, just as we step into the new energetic paradigms of 2020 and beyond.
I got in the car and asked Spirit to guide me to where ever The Sanctuary is meant to be, in accordance with Divine Will. I started driving the in direction I felt pulled towards, and just when I thought I had gone too far, I heard Spirit say in my ear, ‘Just a little farther, just a little farther…’. I drove a half mile more, and there it was. As much as I said The Sanctuary is not about a location, this space could not have been more made for our Sanctuary. Sacred statuaries, trickling fountains, lush gardens a big, bright, beautiful shop and space for the Sanctuary to grow…
I asked Spirit to send me a Lemon as a big, undeniable sign if this was ‘The One’ and I should invest my heart here. Spirit parked this in front of me. From that moment I have been sustained by the deep knowing that all is being Divinely Orchestrated, in perfect Divine Timing in the Spiritual Realms.
We are Moving February 1, 2020!
I am excited to announce that we have been invited to join the beautiful shops at Lemon Tree Village in Brewster, just 12 miles from our current location. This expanded space in serene Lemon Tree Village offers us many new opportunities for growth and the perfect new home for our Sanctuary. Overlooking iconic Rt. 6A, visit our new, larger retail shop, expanded yoga and event space with new upcoming experiences, along with the services and offerings you’ve already come to love and trust. Be sure to plan extra time to stroll through the many meditation gardens and visit through the other beautiful Shops and Café at Lemon Tree Village. Come spend the day with us in our new home, there's so much to see and do here!
If you love The Sanctuary now....
just wait as this miraculous manifestation becomes reality...
Grand Opening Gala on Saturday February, 29th, 2020...Leap Day!
Rest assured we will be in our same location through the holidays, until the end of January, so please stop in! Come by for an energetic recharge, find the perfect gift for a friend, something special for yourself or a Gift Certificate for someone who could use some Sanctuary in their life. Check out our Holiday Reboot Event on Friday the 13th which includes a sale on Gift Certificates! Thank you for all of your love and support for The Sanctuary over the last 9 years, enabling us to be able to create an even bigger and better Sacred Space for your spiritual growth, development, healing, learning and our ever- expanding community of Light.
We hope to see you soon!