Metatron Healing Mat System
Based around the sacred geomancy of the Vesica Pisces, the Metatron Mat radiates self-healing, pain relief, protection from negative astral influences or entities, stress reduction, relaxation, deep transcendental meditation & improved sleep.
Sitting or laying on the Metatron Mat helps stimulate vitality and align the Etheric Field, re-energizing and re-vitalizing the physical body, naturally calming the emotions and clearing the mind. The Mat is connected with copper wire to two handheld Buddha Maitreya the Christ Earth Angel Vajras, which begin to cycle and cleanse your energy. The pyramid on top connect with the Angelic Realms, and the Merkaba connecting with Earth energy thus making this the Earth Angel Vajras. Our Vajras are made with 14kt gold wire wrapping, giving the highest and most profound healing vibrational experience possible
Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weaver® is a Quartz crystal meditation vibrational healing tool that transmits the Monadic, Soul-filled Light & Healing Blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ to Awaken the Soul and Heal the Personality. Etheric Weavers ® are simple to use and can be used by anyone. Intuitively select the Weaver you are most drawn to. Begin by holding it over your palm for self-healing or meditation. When treating other people, hold it over any part of the person's body to help with any symptom or process, whether physical, emotional or mental. Whenever possible, allow the person being treated to listen to the accompanying Soul Therapy Music® as it dramatically helps the healing process and complements the treatment.
Sitting or laying on the Metatron Mat helps stimulate vitality and align the Etheric Field, re-energizing and re-vitalizing the physical body, naturally calming the emotions and clearing the mind. The Mat is connected with copper wire to two handheld Buddha Maitreya the Christ Earth Angel Vajras, which begin to cycle and cleanse your energy. The pyramid on top connect with the Angelic Realms, and the Merkaba connecting with Earth energy thus making this the Earth Angel Vajras. Our Vajras are made with 14kt gold wire wrapping, giving the highest and most profound healing vibrational experience possible
Buddha Maitreya the Christ Etheric Weaver® is a Quartz crystal meditation vibrational healing tool that transmits the Monadic, Soul-filled Light & Healing Blessings of Buddha Maitreya the Christ to Awaken the Soul and Heal the Personality. Etheric Weavers ® are simple to use and can be used by anyone. Intuitively select the Weaver you are most drawn to. Begin by holding it over your palm for self-healing or meditation. When treating other people, hold it over any part of the person's body to help with any symptom or process, whether physical, emotional or mental. Whenever possible, allow the person being treated to listen to the accompanying Soul Therapy Music® as it dramatically helps the healing process and complements the treatment.
"The Vesica Pisces is found in flowers and all sacred, natural geometric reality. It is built into the design of the Metatron Mat which is laid out in a series of diamonds that make one large diamond, all connected by a copper grid. At each of the points where those diamonds connect together there is a neodymium rare earth magnet that connects to the vibration of the earth and resonates with the meridian energy in the body and the natural magnetic field of the body. It doesn't over-activate or under-activate, but actually attunes to the body itself. Due to the geometric configuration, there is an attunement to the DNA and the magnetic field that carries light. This stimulates the natural healing energy found in the hands to radiate through the person's whole meridian system, just like receiving hands on healing over the entire body." Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Connect With Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron is the Archangel of Empowerment. He helps us to access our spiritual power and achieve ascension. Connecting with Metatron shifts your vibration to a higher frequency. When you choose to work with Metatron, you'll become more aware of your thoughts. Furthermore, you'll be prompted to turn negative thoughts into positive ones and release what does not serve you. Use the Metatron Mat to connect with this powerful Archangel and see for yourself how it helps raise your vibration.