When we experience a powerfully shifting change in our lives, this can sometimes be associated with what I would call a “Tower Event”. As pictured in the Tarot Card ‘The Tower’, something has shaken us to the core, we may feel as though the carpet has been ripped out from under us so to speak. Things have been shaken up and the news is not good, carnage has occurred and the bodies are flying. This can denote such unexpected changes as a marriage ending, getting laid off or fired from a job, major plans falling through or having to pick up and move your business to a new location.
These abrupt changes, though they may appear to have come out of nowhere, have actually been brewing for quite some time. The marriage or job didn’t just end on a whim one day. Though we may not want to admit it, there have been problems there for a while. We may have been unhappy in the job, relationship or space but have “reasons” for staying. The more fearful we are of the change, usually the more reasons we can come up with not to change our current circumstances. Though we may have been “dealing” with it, our head has been buried in the sand to the fact that we need to grow. Things are stagnant, we have outgrown our current circumstances in some way. The Universe gives us chance after chance to make a change on our own, we receive sign after sign that something in our lives isn’t working and needs a shift.
But change can be scary, so if we don’t take the plunge out of the nest on our own….along comes Mama bird to give us a push and the Universe delivers us a Tower Event in a nice little package of forced change. The messier and more dramatic the event, the more intricate the planning that went it the creation of the event. The exact people, places and circumstances must come precisely together in a perfect storm to clean the slate for us. Karma may be being played out to be cleared as well. This event would have been coordinated in every way down to the last detail. The horrifying moment can be realizing we are actually the creators of these periods of seeming chaos in our lives.
The good news is there’s a treasure in there somewhere. We can play the martyr, the victim, have a pity party wondering why the whole world has conspired against us. Or we can look for the treasure…...and wonder how the whole universe is conspiring to help us. It’s in there somewhere amidst the dust and rubble. This shining precious treasure is what we take with us as we learn, pick up and rebuild. The treasure is the lesson, the experience, the journey. This is a tremendous opportunity for learning and growth. I often think of the child knocking down his block building to restart and build again, something newer, bigger, better. You can’t build a new house on a shoddy foundation so down it all must come. We rise to the challenge and create something new that matches our current vibration, needs and circumstances. This is the Phoenix rising from the ashes, more beautiful and ascending to the next level of existence.
With every ending comes a new beginning and while our little space chosen by the Fairies 3 years ago has served us so well, it is time to spring from the nest and transform to the next level of our evolution of as the Cape’s best metaphysical store, intuitive healing center and school. Thank you for your support, business, referrals an friendship over the last 3 years. I have learned and grown in ways I couldn’t have even imagined at the time The Sanctuary was being created. I can’t wait to see what is to come next and I hope you will continue this beautiful journey with us as a new sacred space is created you. This girl is on fire so watch out world as this Phoenix rises to new heights!
Love & Light, Amy