All of these feelings are perfectly normal and will begin to subside once the transition into the new cycle is complete. So try to be still, as the Caterpillar waits inside of its cocoon for the divine timing when it has the strength to leave its warm home and spread its new, moist, wings to experience a new life. This journey through the birthing canal may be requiring you to rest now, lay low in hibernation, as you reserve your energies for what is to come next. It may require much of your time, energy and resources. So, do not worry, all is as it should be. Even the acorn must free-fall to arrive at its next destination of merging with the earth, shedding it's shell and sprouting a new, having taken new form.
During these transitions, be still, stay grounded, take time to go within, rest, nurture yourself, sleep and drink lots of water while you immerse yourself in the sleepy winter dreams of what is to come next, co-creating your story with spirit. Dare to dream it and it can be so.