These past two years, I have done a whole lot of waiting.
Waiting to find out if my house sold. Waiting to decide where to live next. Waiting for guidance about the next step to take in my healing work and my business. Waiting for the next sign to fall in my lap.
I must confess that I am not much of a waiter.
I am patient, yet I find that I work better when I take action, and take action quickly.
I sold the house. I decided, within a few days, to move to Cape Cod temporarily. I joined every networking group I could think of. I signed up for a bunch of online trainings in growing my business. I joined a dance troupe. I started renting space here at the Sanctuary, and offering workshops.
And I began to wait…. again.
Waiting for the next step to fall into my lap. Waiting for the next inner guidance to take place. Waiting for my clients to start to find me so I can do the work I am called to do- bring people back to their original energetic blueprint.
It takes courage to say Yes to the unknown in our lives.
It takes courage to wait .
If you are in that stage of your life, you are not alone.
Consider waiting as the amazing gift of being totally present to YOU right now, right here.
Consider waiting to be a form of trusting in the infinite goodness of the Divine.
Consider waiting as your holy moment.
And , if you feel so inclined, set up a time with me to be healed.
I am here waiting for you.