I’ve also discovered in this time that seems so challenging that this is all here to teach me some important lessons. One obvious one is simply to slow down and not try to do so much. One handedness slows you down!
But here are some of the other lessons that I now see as blessings:
· things can change in an instant and you never know what will happen
· go with the flow and make the best of whatever situation you’re in
· ask for assistance; people are always happy to help
· trust both others and your spiritual guides and angels - you are supported
· let go of control, since your life is unfolding just as it should
· be grateful for your everyday life and capabilities
These are not new lessons these are ones that all of us have learned over and over our lives. But when you have a misfortune that brings them to the forefront. Recognize that everything that goes wrong is a way for you to better notice and learn those lessons.
A practice that might be useful is to simply notice every time something doesn’t go the way you’d like it to what the lessons might be for you there. Understanding the lesson allows you to better learned and see it as a blessing.
So during this past month being one-handed has been truly my biggest blessing. I do wish you these learning opportunities in the blessings that they bring. I wish you all an easier path for learning your lesson and one with less pain involved.
The light in me sees and salutes the light in each one of you. Namaste.