Salt Therapy Salt Therapy Is Now Open At The Sanctuary...
Cold? Allergies? Asthma? Chronic Sinus Infections? Skin Issues? Stressed Out? Halotherapy can help! Salt is naturally anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal and has been used for thousands of years for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual cleansing. We are excited to be the first to bring this ancient therapy to Cape Cod as another innovative wellness tool for your optimal health and well-being! Salt Therapy is wonderful for breathing issues, many skin issues, overall relaxation and well-being as well as energetic clearing. One 30 minute session, breathing the concentrated, dry salt air in our Salt Cabin, has the effects of spending about 3 consecutive days at the beach! Our comfy cabin can seat up to four people so bring a friend or simply curl up with a book, meditate or even take a nap. You really have to experience this session for yourself to believe it! Call us at 508-362-8000 to book your 30 minute session now. The Sanctuary is breaking ground with our new Halotherapy Salt Cabin and Serenity Room expansion!
We were recently visited by a reporter from the Barnstable Patriot who wanted to find out what it was all about. Find out what happened here.... READ NOW Curious? Come try it out for yourself. The proof is in how you feel after any of these cutting edge sessions....
Negative Ions |

What are Negative Ions and where do they come from?
An ion is a particle which has electricity. Ions are molecules that have gained or lost electrical charge. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last set foot on the beach, or walked through a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these majestic settings, the air circulating in the mountains and the ocean is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions. At Yosemite Falls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, if you are on the freeway or in your office, you will experience under 100 negative ions or maybe even none.
Why are they called Negative Ions?
Negative ions have a positive effect on people. Positive ions have a negative effect on people. An atom that has one of its normal orbiting electrons removed is called a positive ion. An atom with an extra electron added is called a negative ion. So you see, its kind of backwards - the terms "negative" and "positive" are actually reversed. Its a misnomer that we can thank Benjamin Franklin for. Back in his time, electrons (with a "negative" charge) and atoms were not understood correctly. So we're stuck in the 18th century terminology, and that is why they are called "negative ions."
How do the Negative Ions affect the cells?
The human body consists of billions of cells, and each is enclosed by a cell membrane. This cell membrane performs many important roles, and some of these are absorbing nutrients, vitamins, hydration, and minerals. The cell membrane is also responsible for eliminating acidic waste material and toxins. When the amount of ions in the blood is increased, the function of the cell is activated. When there are more positive ions, the cell membranes close and the cell's ability to absorb nutrition and eliminate toxins is disabled. Through research done by Dr. Tim Tanaka in Japan, it was discovered that when ionization is introduced, the ions in calcium and natrium (salt) in the blood increases, and the blood is purified. The blood then becomes more alkaline. Why is that important? Well for one, cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment.
Health Benefits of Negative Ion Exposure:
An ion is a particle which has electricity. Ions are molecules that have gained or lost electrical charge. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. You may have experienced the power of negative ions when you last set foot on the beach, or walked through a waterfall. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these majestic settings, the air circulating in the mountains and the ocean is said to contain tens of thousands of negative ions. At Yosemite Falls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, if you are on the freeway or in your office, you will experience under 100 negative ions or maybe even none.
Why are they called Negative Ions?
Negative ions have a positive effect on people. Positive ions have a negative effect on people. An atom that has one of its normal orbiting electrons removed is called a positive ion. An atom with an extra electron added is called a negative ion. So you see, its kind of backwards - the terms "negative" and "positive" are actually reversed. Its a misnomer that we can thank Benjamin Franklin for. Back in his time, electrons (with a "negative" charge) and atoms were not understood correctly. So we're stuck in the 18th century terminology, and that is why they are called "negative ions."
How do the Negative Ions affect the cells?
The human body consists of billions of cells, and each is enclosed by a cell membrane. This cell membrane performs many important roles, and some of these are absorbing nutrients, vitamins, hydration, and minerals. The cell membrane is also responsible for eliminating acidic waste material and toxins. When the amount of ions in the blood is increased, the function of the cell is activated. When there are more positive ions, the cell membranes close and the cell's ability to absorb nutrition and eliminate toxins is disabled. Through research done by Dr. Tim Tanaka in Japan, it was discovered that when ionization is introduced, the ions in calcium and natrium (salt) in the blood increases, and the blood is purified. The blood then becomes more alkaline. Why is that important? Well for one, cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment.
Health Benefits of Negative Ion Exposure:
- Complete rejuvenation of the cell channels.
- Relaxing to the autonomic nervous system, restoring innate healing systems.
- Acidic blood becomes more alkaline, which cleans the blood.
- Allergy/Asthma/Emphysema conditions relieved through the dilating of bronchiole and cleaning of air
- Charges the immune system.
- Relieves pinched and stressed nerves.
- Supplies cells with a negative charge, creating a defense against toxins (which are positively charged).
- They are nature's antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals in the body
- Ionization recharges the human energy field with the exhilarating force of an ocean wave splashing the shore
Breathe It In...

Our Halogenerator pumps concentrated pharmaceutical grade salt in to the air. As you sit comfortably in our salt cabin, simply breathing gives you the therapy, bringing the salt air into your lungs, cleansing and purifying your entire system.
Have you ever noticed when you spend time at the beach that you feel more relaxed after awhile? Or that you breathe more deeply? Or that the air seems cleaner? This is not just because you are on vacation; it is because of the salt in the air. Salt in the ocean releases negative ions into the air, which are known to reduce pollutants and to promote a calmer, happier disposition in the people who breathe it.
A salt cabin works much the same way, only more intensely. The Cabin creates the same dry saline aerosol environment as a regular salt cave.In fact, sitting for an hour in a room with halotherapy and pink Himalayan salt can be equivalent to 2-3 days at the beach.
The use of salt for therapeutic treatment of asthma and other respiratory ailments, is nothing new. Halotherapy (Halo=Salt in Greek), and Speleo-therapy (Speleos=Cave), are well known in Europe. Both treatments fall under the category of physical therapy, or drug-free treatment of disease. Salt inhalation was recommended by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, who applied the age-old method of inhaling the steam from boiling saltwater.
The benefits of salt air inhalation, were first documented over 200 years ago when it was realized that salt miners in Europe were relatively free of respiratory ailments. Today Salt Caves and Salt Therapy Rooms are widely used in Europe, recommended by Dr. Oz and are now beginning to emerge in the US. We are excited to be the first to bring this ancient therapy to Cape Cod as another innovative wellness tool for your optimal health and well-being.
Have you ever noticed when you spend time at the beach that you feel more relaxed after awhile? Or that you breathe more deeply? Or that the air seems cleaner? This is not just because you are on vacation; it is because of the salt in the air. Salt in the ocean releases negative ions into the air, which are known to reduce pollutants and to promote a calmer, happier disposition in the people who breathe it.
A salt cabin works much the same way, only more intensely. The Cabin creates the same dry saline aerosol environment as a regular salt cave.In fact, sitting for an hour in a room with halotherapy and pink Himalayan salt can be equivalent to 2-3 days at the beach.
The use of salt for therapeutic treatment of asthma and other respiratory ailments, is nothing new. Halotherapy (Halo=Salt in Greek), and Speleo-therapy (Speleos=Cave), are well known in Europe. Both treatments fall under the category of physical therapy, or drug-free treatment of disease. Salt inhalation was recommended by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, who applied the age-old method of inhaling the steam from boiling saltwater.
The benefits of salt air inhalation, were first documented over 200 years ago when it was realized that salt miners in Europe were relatively free of respiratory ailments. Today Salt Caves and Salt Therapy Rooms are widely used in Europe, recommended by Dr. Oz and are now beginning to emerge in the US. We are excited to be the first to bring this ancient therapy to Cape Cod as another innovative wellness tool for your optimal health and well-being.
Are There Any Side Effects?
Yes, side effects may include easy breathing, feelings of peace and happiness, and smoother skin. However, Salt Therapy is not recommended for some conditions. Please consult your physician before making an appointment if you have any of the following health conditions:
Acute stage of respiratory diseases, recent heart attack, Hyperthyroidism, lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, angina pectoris with frequent seizures, post myocardial infarction, pulmonary mycosis, severe hypertension, intoxication by alcohol or drugs, All contagious diseases, Fever, all Cancer during chemotherapy/radiation treatments.
Acute stage of respiratory diseases, recent heart attack, Hyperthyroidism, lung cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, angina pectoris with frequent seizures, post myocardial infarction, pulmonary mycosis, severe hypertension, intoxication by alcohol or drugs, All contagious diseases, Fever, all Cancer during chemotherapy/radiation treatments.
Salt Therapy Price List
Single Visit $45
Sessions are 30 minutes long Children Additional $20 each *Must be accompanied by adult Package of 4 $170 ($42.50 per session) One month expiration date Package of 8 $320 ($40 per session) Two month expiration date |