1/1/14 Potent New Moon in Capricorn at 6:15 AM ET
1/15/14 Full Moon in Cancer at 11:53 PM ET
1/30/14 New Moon in Aquarius at 4:40 PM ET
1/31/14 Venus stations Direct in Capricorn
1/31/14 Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn
1/1/14 NEW MOON IN CAPRICORN CONJUNT MERCURY AND PLUTO.- With both the Sun and Moon aligned with transformational Pluto, our New Year intentions are quite magnified for 2014. Pluto is all about letting go, shedding, endings, embracing change and rebirth. The kind of change we experience with a Pluto transit is evolutionary; our soul is ready though our conscious, ego mind may not readily agree. Capricorn represents the physical earth plane, structures, big business, finance, authority and government. With this New Moon aligned with Mercury and Pluto, our thoughts are deep, penetrating and able to comprehend underlying motivations and hidden or deeper truths. This is an excellent time to work hard at achieving your goals. Decide what is most important, get organized and pursue your dreams.
1/2- 1/3/14 SUN IN CAPRICORN SQUARES MARS IN LIBRA – As mentioned in last month’s forecast, Mars will be in the sign of Libra through 7/26/14 due to its retrograde cycle beginning in March 2014. Mars in Libra is now triggering the Uranus-Pluto square. Mars represents aggression, assertiveness and initiative. It also can symbolize fighting or war, as Mars is the warrior archetype. With Sun-Mars, patience is not a strong point! Avoid rash actions or losing your temper over minor issues. Think before your act to avoid conflict.
1/3-1/5/14 MERCURY AND SUN IN CAPRICORN OPPOSE JUPITER – Jupiter represents expansion, growth, optimism and sometimes excess or overwhelm. Perhaps we feel some temporary relief and hopefulness during these few days.
1/7/14 MERCURY IN CAPRICORN CONJOINS VENUS RETROGRADE IN CAPRICORN - The intellect and communication are united with love, beauty and harmony. With Venus, the love planet, retrograde, we may be thinking about the past, revisiting the past or longing for love. The head and heart are working together.
1/8/14 MARS IN LIBRA SQUARE JUPITER RETROGRADE IN CANCER – suggests excessive action, risk taking and a restless temperament today. Be willing to finish what you start.
1/11/14 SUN IN CAPRICORN CONJOIN VENUS RETROGRADE – suggests a day of beauty, harmony, charm and social graces.
1/11/14 – 1/31/14 MERCURY ENTERS AQUARIUS – the collective mindset is objective, sociable and concerned with disseminating information and articulating humanitarian visions.
1/15/14 FULL MOON IN CANCER AT 11:53 PM ET – This Full Moon in emotional, water sign Cancer is in harmonious aspect to Saturn in Scorpio, suggesting a stabilizing and grounding influence. However, the dwarf planet Ceres, Archetype of the Mother Goddess and Agriculture and Vesta, keeper and Goddess of the Hearth, form a challenging T square to this Full Moon. This suggests major shifts in areas of nurturing ourselves, others and the planet. When the feminine archetypes are amplified, there is opportunity to move from domination to collaboration.
1/16/14 MARS IN LIBRA SQUARE VENUS RETROGRADE IN CAPRICORN - Balancing needs in relationships is a theme. Internal conflicts in regard to freedom-closeness issues call for discernment and sensitivity. This passionate alignment can incite jealousy and possessiveness.
1/25/14 MERCURY IN AQUARIUS SQUARE SATURN AND MOON IN SCORPIO – Suggests limits and delays in all communication and travel matters. The mind is focused on discipline, work and structure. There is a serious mood in the air today.
1/30/14 NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS AT 4:40 PM ET – New beginnings which encourage networking, new ideas, friendships and community involvement are favored. Venus is about to station Direct, very close to Pluto, suggesting new intentions and resolutions are getting ready to be implemented after a time of reflection.
1/31/14 VENUS STATION DIRECT IN CAPRICORN – The planet representing love, values and relationships has been retrograde since 12/21/13. A period of contemplation and reflection has encouraged us to make adjustments in relationship and business matters that are very important to us. January has not been the best time to start a new relationship, however, it’s been a great month to get clear on what’s most important in existing relationships. Venus has been traveling very close to transformational Pluto, which heightens emotions and the transformational power of love. Old mental programming or power struggles in relationships may undergo healing at this time.
1/31/14 MERCURY ENTERS PISCES - The collective mindset for the next few weeks has shifted from sociable Aquarius to a more intuitive, psychic and introspective way of thinking and communicating. Pisces is creative and poetic at its best.
1/31/14 JUPITER RETROGRADE IN CANCER OPPOSES PLUTO IN CAPRICORN – Contradictory beliefs bring challenges when trying to achieve major, far reaching goals. This can be a tremendous opportunity for growth, yet it can also manifest as a fanatical, dogmatic approach which can be divisive. Jupiter represents strong convictions and Pluto represents irrevocable change. There can be large scale expansion as long as fanaticism does not impede growth.