Ever so slowly, spring has finally sprung in all of its glory here on Cape Cod. We have been spending every available moment out in the yard planning and planting, and ending each day exhausted and sore but filled with joy and hope for abundant results.
In the practice of Feng Shui, the exterior of your home or space sets the stage for the energy that comes into the interior. If there is no flow and harmony outside, good energies such as abundance, wellness, and safety could be blocked from making it into the inside.
If you are just starting out, a key area to focus on is the front door which in Feng Shui is considered the mouth of chi. The mouth of chi acts like a funnel and captures good energy to lead it towards the door. To get a positive flow going, make sure that there is a light, clear, and visible path to the front door. The door should be in good working order and painted a color that soothes your soul and brings the eye towards it. Enhance the entrance with what we call greeters which serve to bring attention to a space and move energy through. Greeters can be wind chimes, flags, and colorful flowers that are inviting and cheerful. Consider attracting abundance with a fountain that flows towards the door or bubbles up and falls vertically. Make sure that the pathway leading towards the door accommodates visitors appropriately and is a smooth and safe (a standard design rule is to provide a walkway if possible where two people can walk side by side to approach an entrance). If your path is meandering, avoid dead ends or sharp and blind turns. Guide visitors and energy to the door with smooth rounded corners. Make sure that the entrance is clean and organized for a grounded feel. The doormat should not be worn and dirty. Decorations don’t have to be massive and overbearing to be effective. Just go with your own taste and budget and what feels good to you.
Your changes don’t have to necessarily cost money. Make them as you can and then sit back and enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Hopefully you will feel good and accomplished, and start to feel a positive shift which affects those who reside in and enter your space.
Now that is good Feng Shui!
You can also get much more zealous in the yard by creating outdoor rooms to enjoy in all seasons. We are currently planning an outdoor meditation and creative area which I will share in an upcoming blog.