Yin and Yang are principles of the universe which are opposite and flatter each other when balanced together. Yin represents dark, night, the moon, and is considered feminine. Yang represents light, day, the sun, and is considered masculine. Yin and Yang are actually dependent on each other to create good health.
Many of us look forward to the coming of winter after a long, hot and busy summer, where in winter we will feel like eating comfort food, taking naps, and curling up with a blanket next to a cozy fire with a good book. As we know here in New England, winter can go on for months. So imagine how you may end up feeling after a prolonged period of dark days, coldness, and nothing growing outside. Perhaps kind-of comatose, weary, and unproductive? A case of the blues?
Bringing plants into your indoor space is one of the best ways to neutralize the sluggish energy of the Yin and help create a lively, creative, and healthy environment.
Plants are considered Yang, and represent growth and life. They give you a feeling of being productive.
When bringing plants into your space, you want to consider placing them in places where you desire an active energy, such as an office, play rooms, living areas and family spaces. Maybe not so much in a bedroom which is considered to be more of a yin space where rest and sleep are promoted.
Here are a few tips on how to use plants to for optimum results:
· Plants in the office are good for your career as they represent growth and abundance. A Jade Plant, Money Tree (Pechora), or Bamboo specifically represent good fortune, but any plants that you like and enjoy will do. Plants in an office are enhanced in brighter windows (Yang) such as the East, Southeast, or South.
· Generally it is suggested that you don’t bring thorny plants into your space as they represent a harsh energy and may bring in too much Yang. But if you really like and have to have them, make sure that you place them in places that are safe to be near and not in a doorway where someone could brush up on them and get hurt.
· Bouquets of flowers are great because they bring joy and bright colors to the space. Make sure though that you do not allow them to remain after they have died which would bring about a negative energy. Avoid straw flowers as they are real flowers which are no longer living and bring about a negative energy.
· If you don’t have a green thumb, artificial replicas of living plants or bouquets are OK as they represent a living, and vibrant plant.
· Caution that Bonsai plants represent stunted growth and will not bring you the energy that you are looking for especially in a space such as an office where you want growth and abundance.
· Make sure that your plants are healthy, with dead leaves and stems trimmed, and not allowed to be overgrown. Overgrown plants can suggest a lack of organization and direction.
· If you are into gardening, use the winter to look through seed and plant magazines. Look at garden design ideas. All of this makes you feel that you are moving forward towards a new beginning.
Last but not least, make sure that you have fun with your plants! As living things, they respond to your loving care and attention, and will perform for you as a result. That in turn I guarantee, will make you feel fulfilled and rewarded for your efforts and you will be happy.
That’s good Feng Shui.