"Surrender comes when we no longer ask "Why is this happening to me?"
~Eckhart Tolle
As Above, so Below. As Within, So Without. What are you Creating for yourself? All of your Reality is a Reflection of your thoughts, words, beliefs, feelings, experiences and expectations. If something is off in you outer world, the key lies Within. If you are ready to get Honest with yourself you will notice that the things that are pressing your buttons are the things that you are Resisting looking at and lessons you are Avoiding dealing with. The more we refuse to look at it the Louder it gets seeking our attention until something drastic happens that forces us to deal with our stuff. By recognizing the energetic reason for what ever's happening (taking responsibility) we can discover a deep truth about ourselves and clear the situation. By discovering what's going on ~ on the energetic level ~ and Blessing our lessons we can move through them with ease and Grace.
"Surrender comes when we no longer ask "Why is this happening to me?" ~Eckhart Tolle
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December 2019
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