I found that to reconcile my two worlds I had to first become 100% authentic. That means feeling confident in myself, accepting of who I am and what I do and not pretending to be "normal" around certain people or groups. It means being my true self all the time and not having to pretend I'm some one else or the old me. I make no apologies for who I've become and have no fear around it. While it can be a bit uncomfortable answering the 'So what do you do?' question, I've found that even though I always wonder what kind of reaction I will get when I say I'm a psychic medium or I own a healing center or I'm a Reiki Master and spiritual counselor or I work with crystal and sound therapies, to my surprise, there is always a positive response, usually followed by 'That's so cool.....' with lots of questions.
So how do you become authentic with yourself, the people around you and they type of life you are living? You begin with three things:
1. Daily Spiritual Practice. It doesn't matter so much what the practice is, only that you begin to incorporate it daily until your daily spiritual hi-gene becomes just as important as brushing your teeth, showering and washing your hair. This helps to keep your vibration high and clear every day. It should include prayer and or meditation, grounding, shielding, clearing your energy and time for gratitude.
2. Knowledge is power. Attend regular classes and workshops, read books on spiritual subjects you are most attracted to learning. Journal your experiences to see how you growing and transforming over time on your spiritual journey.
3. You can't do it alone. Bolster your vibration with spiritual community. When you are regularly involved with others of like mind, attending transformational classes and events, or spending time with people on the same spiritual path, that high vibration is reinforced and over time it takes longer between events for it to get low again.
As you maintain that higher vibration for more sustained periods of time you find people, things and situations transforming in your life to come into alignment with the new spiritual self. Eventually you are in that higher vibration all the time which reverberates out attracting things to you that match that higher vibration until your worlds become one or rather you have stepped wholly and fully into your new personal and spiritual life as your new experience of reality.
It is a slow process that should not be rushed but be allowed to unfold in it's own divine timing, knowing you are different from every other soul and this journey is not a race but one that we embark upon when we are ready. The journey is the destination and you are exactly where you are meant to be on your path.
Enjoy your journey, you only get to be at the beginning of it once and that is a very sacred place to be. Look for the Lighthouses along the way to guide you, we will keep the Light on and shining brightly to illuminate the path. May Grace walk before you that you move along your path with with ease.
Love & Abundant Light,