~Send me ideas
~Help me to rendezvous with like-minded people
~Help me to know my own power
~Send me thoughts that are in alignment with my core desires
~Bring me evidence of how this all works in comfortable, humorous, delicious ways
When placing your Orders with the Restaurant of the Universe, you must believe that they will be served up to you on a silver platter with out question. You do not need to know the How or the When. Simply trust and wait holding on to the vibration of it gently but unwaveringly. The moment you let the belief of it go, you let the energy of it go which has been building and you cannot manifest it into physical form.
Start off small, with manifestations that you can hold a belief in. You probably won't be able to manifest a million dollars, for example, on your first try because your belief is not there so your vibration does not match that of being a millionaire. Once you get the hang of it you can work towards becoming a Master Manifester by gaining mastery over your thoughts and your outward reality. As Within, so Without. You must conjure up strong feelings about what you are manifesting. Emotion = Energy in Motion. Even a 30 second daily visualization can create very powerful manifestations.
I always add 2 stipulations to all my manifestations:
1) It must be for the Highest and Best of Myself and Everyone involved.
2) This or something Better.
Our limited Human perspective cannot always see what is for our Highest and Best or what better options might be out there for us beyond our wildest dreams. I always entrust those details to the higher powers of Love and Light who can see the whole picture.
Have some fun with it. Try putting in a small and simple order but add one fun detail to it so that when it arrives you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was a special delivery from the Universal Source of All That Is. Practice, get confident with it and let the magic of being a powerful co-creator with Spirit fill your Being. For this is one of the reasons we come here to the dense physical Earth Plane of Illusions!